Thanks for sharing! Enjoyed it a lot to read your newsletter - I'll definitely follow you on your journey.

Ps. My favorite is the second clip. 😉

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Thank you so much, Fabian. I really appreciate the support and the feedback. The second clip is a great choice. so aesthetically simple, yet funny and entertaining. I'll be sharing more photos from that spot in the coming weeks' issues 🙂

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Anders Bybjerg

Just caught up with your newsletter and this issue certainly speaks some of the things that have been in my mind in a while especially about how tourism kinda ruins or changes the culture of a certain places. Really love those clips you made and I wish to see more of them! My fav is certainly the clip #9

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Really glad to hear that you found it enlightening. It's always an interesting balance but I think the awareness of how we impact the world with tourism is an important factor! Thanks for the feedback :)

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